
Thursday, July 24, 2008

SURGERY!!! 07-25-08

Yes, I will be having surgery on my left wrist this Fri. This will be my first time on the operating table and I'm a little nervous to say the least.
It all started when I thought I'd get a quick bike ride in before dinner & bible study Tues. I was just starting to go uphill when the bike slipped a gear. It all happened in slow motion. The bike began to lean left so I kicked my left foot out of the toe clip. I put my foot down on the pavement and when the metal of the toe clip made contact with the pavement it "skated" out from under me. I fell on my knee first and then reactively put my hand out and felt a "clunk" and a lot of pressure in my wrist. When I looked at it, I thought I had dislocated it. I immediately raised my hand above my head, took my shoes off, moved the bike to the side of the road, & proceeded down the hill as quickly as I could tolerate. When I got home, I got some ice in a bag and rushed everyone into the car. PTL that it is summer & John was/is home. When we got to the ER, the nurse got me right in. After the xrays, I expected the Dr. to come in and "pop" it back in. Unfortunately, he came over with the films and said I had done quite a number on it and I would probably need surgery. That caught me off guard and I started to cry a little.
Today I met with the surgeon and he confirmed that I had "shattered" my radius (the bone on the thumb side). I have a piece of bone chipped off the Ulna, a transverse, anteriorly displaced fracture to the distal radius(I broke a piece of the bone on the thumb side and that is on top of the main bone) and that fractured piece of the radius has several fractures. He said he will do his best to fit all the pieces back together and put a titanium plate in there but there is no way it will be the same again. I will most likely lose about 50% of my range of motion and will battle arthritis as well.
I praise God that John is home and can be here for the kids and I. I praise God it is my left arm and not my right. I praise Him for my surgeon who specializes in hand & wrist surgeries and (from some of the things he said about God) I think he is a believer.
Please keep me and this situation in your prayers. Isaac came up to me yesterday and said, "Mommy, I know God allowed this to happen to you because He has something good planned. Maybe part of it is that you work so hard around here and He is telling you to take some time to rest." Out of the mouth of babes, huh? Thank you for your thoughts & prayers,


Vessel said...

I get the willy's when I hear that many medical words put together. I am so sorry. Can I say it again, I am so sorry. :( Get rest. Maybe between us trainers, we can get you back into range of motion. God might just have another prognosis sister.

Denise said...

i hope you are doing well now.
i am dinner monday! WINCO pizza, only the bes for the rumohrs.
i like the back ground on your blog, but i cannot read the text- it is too light. i think the fucia color you have for the date header would be a good color.

Julie Davidson said...

Cari! OUCH! I hope you're doing okay. I'm so glad you made it through surgery alright. I had no idea! I came across your blog from Amy's. Your photos are so cute! You have a beautiful family!

Amy said...

Well Cari, when you do something you do it well. I can't believe this! I'm praying that the surgery went well and that you will have more movement in your wrist than the doctor originally thought. Your son is a very wise little man. But we've always known that. Your message for some reason brought tears to my eyes today. I miss you guys!

Amy said...

Happy, Happy Birthday! I'm hoping you get this today. I pray that your day is blessed and that you are surrounded by those who love you. Wish I could stop by to give you a squeeze. Love you! How is recovery?

Denise said...

okay it's sept 4th, time to post something new already.
post one handed about your first week of school.
have you survived it?

About Me

My photo
I'm a stay at home, homeschooling mom to four beautiful children and wife to my dream man who I am completely in love with. I love God and am in the process of learning rather recently (I'm sorry to say) that I can do no good thing apart from Him.


The Rumohr 1/2 dz

The School Kids

The School Kids
Miriam-6 1/2 yrs.-Discerning, Abigail 8 1/2yrs.-Cherished of God Isaac 10 yrs.- Child of Promise

The Lil' One

The Lil' One
Levi 3 1/2 yrs.-Harmonious