
Friday, May 27, 2011

Freedom Facts for Friday!

"Effective spiritual, emotional, and social training in the lives of our children [has] to be both intentional and planned."
                           Susan Clarkson from her book The Ministry of Motherhood

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Spring 2011 Piano and Gymnastics Recitals

Abby nailed her back flip.  She was the only one other than teenagers that could do a back flip.  Mimi is the first one out of the tunnel and the smallest one in the group.
I'm very proud of how everyone ended the year!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Wordless Wednesday May 6-24

I have A LOT of catching up to do with end-of-the-year field trips, recitals, etc.
Patiently waiting for their piano recital performance
Levi and "best fwend" that he's only met one other time 

Mimi and Abby's finale at their gymnastics recital

A very Happy Mother's Day 
A fun field trip to the zoo                               

Abby's choir performance    

Monday, May 23, 2011

Tiny Talk Tuesday

When my oldest was 5 this is what he told a firefighter who was telling the homeschool group about the importance of fire alarms, 
"I know our batteries work in the fire alarm at home 
because every time my mommy cooks
it goes off."
Everyone got a tremendous kick out of his very solemn and serious response.

A little disclaimer here, when the oven was on, it would smoke because of things burning in the bottom from overflowed dishes NOT because I was burning things. ; )

Multitudes on Monday! May 17-22

328. fellowship and feasting
329. new, cheery plants
330. anticipation of a date
331. a thoughtful sister-in-law
332. love-words to nieces through children's books
333.  glad for my marriage
334. happy to still be in love
335. family fellowship childcare
336. the greens in the new hostas
337. nothing stolen from left-behind purse
338. colors of spring
339. colors in pre-dawn light
346. Amy reading to the kids
350. creek's cascading cacophony
352. Royal Wedding church fun
354. kiss on the cheek from dear old one
358. last week of school

Friday, May 20, 2011

Freedom Facts for Friday!

"The man who has God for his treasure has all things in One." 
Can't remember where I saw this quote.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Tiny Talk Tuesday


Daddy pointed out the In-N-Out Burger palm trees that cross.
Levi's response,"Aw, they're lovin' each other Daddy."
He hugged himself as he said it.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Multitudes on Monday!

309. Blessed Truths spoken to my soul through my uncle
310. Seeing ugly and being repentant
311. Look of Daddy-love from my brother to his first newborn girl
312. Newborn nursing
313. Full, dark head of hair
314. Easing into the day
315. Sustenance for a day absent of sleep the night before
318&19. A drive to get away and then having a home to come back to
321. Love-made gifts
322. Planting time
323. Pizza out
324. Rest and "time-off"
326. New plants to plant

Monday, May 2, 2011

Multitudes on Monday!

281. rainbow colors on counter
282. walk/talk with a friend
283. A's tenderness to littles
285. better computer time management = more time
287. lunch outside
289. children singing to christian radio in the morn
295. quicker wait
296. grocery-unloading elves
297. I learning hard how to cook
298.  grass cuttin', bird singin', sun sparklin', plant gardenin', morning
300. fresh insights in the Word
301. I's attentiveness and comprehension of Biblical Truths
302. a whole day outside
303. fun cousin time
304. Forks' burgers
305. plants given, livin' and plantin'
306. Strawberry Hill has begun
307. answered prayer- replacement chickens and a rooster gifted

All is a gift!

About Me

My photo
I'm a stay at home, homeschooling mom to four beautiful children and wife to my dream man who I am completely in love with. I love God and am in the process of learning rather recently (I'm sorry to say) that I can do no good thing apart from Him.


The Rumohr 1/2 dz

The School Kids

The School Kids
Miriam-6 1/2 yrs.-Discerning, Abigail 8 1/2yrs.-Cherished of God Isaac 10 yrs.- Child of Promise

The Lil' One

The Lil' One
Levi 3 1/2 yrs.-Harmonious