
Monday, September 26, 2011

Taking a break for awhile

I have been so frustrated with our computer.  I don't know if it is our connection, the computer, or what but every time I try to download it takes forever!!!  One of the reasons I began this blog in the first place was to keep long distance family and friends up-to-date on what we were doing and pictures of the kids as they grow.  I'm not one of those bloggers who feels the need to journal or work on my literary skills on here.  Because I don't have the time to wait for the down/uploading of pictures and videos, I've decided to sign off for now until something changes.  If and when that does happen, I'll send out an email letting y'all know we're back on track.. 
Until then, all is a gift,


About Me

My photo
I'm a stay at home, homeschooling mom to four beautiful children and wife to my dream man who I am completely in love with. I love God and am in the process of learning rather recently (I'm sorry to say) that I can do no good thing apart from Him.


The Rumohr 1/2 dz

The School Kids

The School Kids
Miriam-6 1/2 yrs.-Discerning, Abigail 8 1/2yrs.-Cherished of God Isaac 10 yrs.- Child of Promise

The Lil' One

The Lil' One
Levi 3 1/2 yrs.-Harmonious