
Friday, November 19, 2010

Really Awesome Jewelry

Head over to for a giveaway she is having and look at her awesome and simple jewelry.  Anything on her website would be a nice gift to get : )

Monday, November 8, 2010

October Recap!

Here's my monthly post and I'm doing a little better, huh?  October was a busy month.  What month isn't these days?  With 4 kiddos, life is sure full.
  We are well into school and I just praise God that He is teaching me daily to be flexible and to let Him rule NOT my schedule.  That is a hard lesson for this VERY task driven gal!  I think after 5 years of home school I just may be getting it.  I truly am enjoying this year so much more.
  We are finally enjoying our patio after a very loooong summer of waiting.  It is wonderful and I see many winter nights spent out by the fire pit.

   Isaac has been in a Lego robotics club and is really enjoying it.  He also has a soccer game every Sat. and he is still enjoying it and learning much.  I have been helping a friend out by watching her two sons so she can have a break one Saturday a month.  We've gone pumpkin picking, berry picking, and enjoyed spending time with our fellowship group especially over the last weekend where we had an old fashioned harvest celebration complete with chili eating, caramel apple making, pumpkin carving and watching "Charlie Brown and The Great Pumpkin".

  I've been teaching a P.E. and anatomy class to some other home school families the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Fridays.  I have a dear friend who is teaching my kids drama on my "off" Fridays so I have been getting a 3 hour break a couple times a month.  That has been truly a blessing.

  I've also been mentoring a dear young lady and leading a bible study, Beth Moore's "Jesus the One and Only" with a few gals.  If you've never done any of her bible studies I highly recommend them.  She is an anointed teacher and student of the Word.  

  Our big news is that we have joined with a dear couple from our fellowship group to help them out with their on-the-side bbq business at fairs and events.  We worked two this last month and it was a lot of work but a blast and we are able to earn a little extra money considering the cuts John has had because of our state's (and his district's) financial situation.  I usually take the orders and John makes the order with our friend Rae while her husband Joe is out at the smoker/grill.  The food is amazing and they are wonderful and fun to work for.  Unless we get a catering job we won't have another fair until Memorial Day.  The last job we did was over this past weekend for "The Tarantula Festival" which the kids dressed up and  had some fun activities for (a Lego block, ballerina, Tigger, and fireman).

  God bless and may November be an especially full month of counting your blessings.

About Me

My photo
I'm a stay at home, homeschooling mom to four beautiful children and wife to my dream man who I am completely in love with. I love God and am in the process of learning rather recently (I'm sorry to say) that I can do no good thing apart from Him.


The Rumohr 1/2 dz

The School Kids

The School Kids
Miriam-6 1/2 yrs.-Discerning, Abigail 8 1/2yrs.-Cherished of God Isaac 10 yrs.- Child of Promise

The Lil' One

The Lil' One
Levi 3 1/2 yrs.-Harmonious