
Monday, March 23, 2009

My Baby is 2!!!!!!

Levi turned 2 on March 13. I am still in a fog. The signs of his age are very evident so I can't deny it any longer. He talks up a storm, he is EVERYWHERE, he plays "ledos" (legos) with his brother and loves "big trucks", he loves to have "Dada ree" (Daddy read) and he constantly calls for Abby. He and Mimi are even beginning to play better and better together.
He reminds me a lot of Abby and yet he is uniquely his own. He tests the limits far more than any of the others have, still takes WONDERFUL naps, and shows his mommy lots of love and "tisses" (kisses). Sometimes I think how easy life would be if Mimi was our baby, but there is no question the life this little guy has brought to this family.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Wait a minute, it's not what you think!!! For those of you who don't know or haven't heard, I have kidney stones on my left side. I found out March 2 and yep, it's been 2 weeks Monday!!!
We found out that one of the stones was close to 1cm and blocking the ureter so I went in on 03-12-09 to have Lithrotripsy done (they try to blast the stone using sonic waves). I had to be put out and the procedure lasted about 1 1/2 hours. The doctor ended up putting a plastic tube (stint) in that goes from the kidney to the bladder and he could not tell if the stone had submitted to the blasting.
All that to say that as of today, I haven't passed anything substantial. I'm supposed to go back in a couple of weeks and if nothing has happened then I don't know what the next step is. Please pray that I pass them!!! I am managing the pain but have to take some pretty heavy duty pain meds that make me sleepy and out of it. The kids are enjoying their very loopy and laid-back mommy I'm sure. I just want to feel better.
I'll try to post more later about my sweet little baby turning 2!!!

About Me

My photo
I'm a stay at home, homeschooling mom to four beautiful children and wife to my dream man who I am completely in love with. I love God and am in the process of learning rather recently (I'm sorry to say) that I can do no good thing apart from Him.


The Rumohr 1/2 dz

The School Kids

The School Kids
Miriam-6 1/2 yrs.-Discerning, Abigail 8 1/2yrs.-Cherished of God Isaac 10 yrs.- Child of Promise

The Lil' One

The Lil' One
Levi 3 1/2 yrs.-Harmonious